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Membership Benefits for Farmers

  • FREE Membership
  • Encourages competition;
  • List issued of all collectors operating in their area;
  • Simple invoicing – one invoice per month listing all collections;
  • Payment by Direct Debit, backed-up by the Direct Debit Bank Guarantee;
  • Annual Compliance Statement detailing all collections to assist traceability;
  • Future electronic online records, which will remove the need to maintain a separate livestock movement record;
  • Professional, accredited collectors with high bio-security standards of collection, plus knowledgeable, efficient and friendly service offered by staff experienced in the livestock sector;
  • No annual membership fee;
  • Competitive collection and disposal prices;
  • Dispute resolution service.

Membership Benefits for Collectors

  • Payment within 4 weeks of submission of jobs.
  • Administration of collection of payments from farmers is taken care of by NFSCo CIC;
  • Increased business opportunities arise;
  • Greater security of cash flow, and reduction in bad debt risk;
  • Increased credibility with members;
  • One invoice per month to NFSCo CIC, rather than numerous invoices to farmers;
  • One automatic payment per month from NFSCo CIC rather than numerous cheques from farmers;
  • Dispute resolution service